In this Easy Vodka Cocktails Recipes Video I have created a Blood Orange & Cranberry Sour Cocktail using JJ Whitley Blood Orange Vodka, and a Blood Orange and Cranberry Sour. Easy Vodka Cocktails Recipes for parties can be the best things to make, it's so important to have a repertoire in your go bag! Some of the best things are Vodka cocktails at home, it's just down to you which Vodka you use! And this Blood Orange Vodka fits perfectly! This would be perfect for Vodka Cocktails Cranberry.
Blood Orange & Cranberry Sour
Let me know what you think about this recipe. And if you make it, make sure you tag me on Instagram or Facebook.
Blood Orange and Cranberry Sour
Vintage Rocks Glass
45ml JJ Whitley Blood Orange Vodka
15ml Cranes Cranberry & Blood Orange Liqueur
Bar Spoon Blood Orange Puree
30ml Fresh Orange Juice
30ml Lemon Juice
Ms Betters Miraculous Foamers
Ms Betters Black Pepper and Cardamom Bitters
Garnish with Sprig of Mint!
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